Images/ logos can be uploaded along with your order, but not every image uploaded can be embroidered only PDF, PNG or HIGH RESOLUTION JPG photos with no background can be printed. Please keep in mind that your image will be shrunken down to about 1.5" or less, so images with lots of small details or no colour contrast will not show up.

If you are wondering if your photo fits this criteria, then send us a message. If you do submit a request for an image, please be sure to check your email in case we need to get a hold of you to either clarify or change the image if need be. Image orders that cannot be processed by customers who we are unable to get a hold of will be refunded.
We ask for your dog's neck measurements to gauge where the name should sit on the collar in accordance to your dog's neck width, as our collars are adjustable and the sliding adjuster on the collar determines how much space we have to put your name. If you have any special requests regarding placement or want to see exactly where the name is going to go prior to purchase please contact us directly. Although we do our best at placing this name based off of provided measurements, we cannot provide a guarantee that your embroidered or vinyl pressed personalization won't come into contact with the adjuster.
The adjuster starts to the left of our collars, and is beside the handle. That means if your dog is on the smaller side of the size setting, it will have more room to the right of the adjuster. If your dog measures out to the larger side of our size setting, your dog will have more room to the left of the adjuster. If you are right in between one of our size settings, then the adjuster will sit directly in the middle of the collar. At this time we try to decide which side has more room, and if both sides are even we will always put your name to the left of the adjuster to allow for any additional growth.
Above is an example of a measurement in between the collar's size range. We will always place the name to the left in this case, just in case the dog grows or gains weight.
Above is an example of when the adjuster is closer to the smaller setting. We then place the name on the right of the adjuster, so there's more room for it.
Above is an example of when the measurement of your dog is at the smallest size setting of the collar; the adjuster is all the way to the right. You may want this option if your design involves a thick font, long name or images.
Above is an example of when your dog is at the largest or larger size setting of the collar and the adjuster is all the way to the left. this gives you a larger amount of free space to place the name.
Embroidery is the longest lasting method of customization, but still needs care in order to live it's best life! Using harsh scrub brushes, exposure to consistent scratching or rubbing against harsh surfaces and strong washing methods can all affect the life of your customization. We suggest customizations for dogs who do not have their collar on 24/7 and remove the collar when indoors. There are no exchanges or refunds on customized items, and for more information on our exchange or return policy you can view our link at the bottom of this page.