Your New Puppy Checklist: 5 Items You Need
Congrats on your new member of the family! So…now that you have your puppy - what else do you need? There’s nothing more exciting than a little sleepy pup coming home in the car with you. Finding your dog is the easy part, but once you’re home - now what? That cute little puppy is looking not so cute as they start destroying your shoes, peeing on your carpet, and bolting out the door when you go to check the mail. Before long, you find yourself scrambling to the nearest pet store in a state of panic, roaming the aisles thinking to yourself - “Wow! I didn’t know this was going to be so hard! Why are there so many pet products, and what do I really need?” That’s what we’re here for! If you’ve found this blog after a new-puppy mental breakdown and are searching for answers, or if you have a puppy entering your life soon, this post is for you! We’re going to be walking through your 5 check-list essential items that will make pup parenthood much easier for you and your new dog. Get your notes app or pen and paper ready!
We’re putting this item first because it’s one of the pricier and larger items your puppy will need. Just like humans need their own rooms, dogs like having their own “bedroom” too! Almost all dog trainers and vets recommend some sort of crate-training for the first few months (or years!) of your dog's life. Here’s the best part, it’s not just good for dogs - it’s good for people too! When you head out you can rest assured that your puppy is in a safe space where you know they can’t eat your favorite belt or yearbook from high school. If you work from home or find yourself cleaning or cooking at night, a play pen is the perfect alternative with enough space for your puppy to play - but not enough for them to cause havoc! Although your pup may whine and cry at the beginning of crate or play pen training, it’ll be a win over time! Studies show that puppies actually get less stressed and more comfortable with enough crate or play pen use - once they learn to see it as their personal space.
When strolling down the pet store aisles, it’s so tempting to get the cutest toys in our favorite colors. However, when shopping for a brand new puppy - it’s best to be picky when it comes to toys! When your puppy is younger than 12 weeks of age, it likely won't need any chew toys. These fresh babies will probably spend their whole day sleeping or eating! However, between 12 and 24 weeks, your puppy will need toys to help ease the pain that comes with teething and as a way to release pent up energy. Similar to teething babies, a toy for dogs that’s meant to be chewed on is ideal! Nylabone toys and toys that say “for puppies” on the packaging are great options. You can freeze toys like braided ropes and add some treats inside to encourage chewing on their toys - rather than the side of your couch.
Old Shirts/Blankets/Fabric
This puppy necessity is fantastic because these are items you already have at home! Before you throw out your old painting shirt, ratty blanket, or used tablecloth, keep it in a safe space for the day your puppy comes home! When you leave your puppy in their crate overnight or when you head to work, you can leave warm fabric for them to sleep on. When your dog is young, investing in a dog bed is pretty pointless - it’s better to leave them with something you don’t mind throwing away. You won’t believe how much fabric a new dog can mess up, this will be a lifesaver for potty training!
Toy/Puppy Item Box
This could be another free item you have lying around the house! When you’re already in the fresh first weeks of puppy-hood, the last thing you want is to wake up at 3am to walk your dog and stumble over a hard chew toy, trust me. When preparing for your new dog, get a box that you decide is just for puppy items like toys, collars, and leashes. Not only will finding your items needed for walks be easy, but you won’t find yourself tripping over toys or having to clean up a destroyed house with dog items everywhere!
A Collar You Can Trust With ID
This is arguably the most essential item for your new puppy. Around 10 million dogs and cats are reported lost or stolen in the United States each year. Crazy, right? Every pet owner's worst nightmare is their puppy either escaping home with no collar or ID, or their pet breaking free from their collar on a walk or when the door opens. In order to ensure this doesn’t happen, our team at Alpine Dog Co. work each day to develop the best dog essentials that stand the test of time. For your new puppy, we recommend our 1.5 Tacti Slim Dog Collar. This collar is nice and thick, but slim enough to rest comfortably on a puppy's neck. It comes in a variety of colors and has customization - so you can add your pup’s name, number or IG handle embroidered right on the collar. We don’t take your dog’s safety lightly. This collar has a built-in handle so you can control your dog without slipping your hand underneath their collar - making this the perfect walking collar for wild puppies you can’t predict in an emergency situation or while training recreationally.
That’s a wrap! We hope these 5 items make your journey with a new puppy a little easier.
If you ever have any questions about your dog’s collar, leash, or harness, feel free to reach out to the team at Alpine Dog Co. Thanks for reading, connect with us on social media or subscribe to our newsletter for more content like this.